Project Management and Building Services
Our team of qualified Chartered Surveyors and Property Managers are able to offer full Project Management and Building Consultancy services in connection with Residential Management properties. Our services include the following:-
- Service of Section 20 Notices
- Advising and agreeing extent of works
- Preparing specifications
- Tendering
- Contract administration
- Negotiating and agreeing payment terms
- Building Surveys
- Schedules of Condition
- Dilapidations
- Arranging Asbestos Surveys
- Arranging Structural & Engineering Reports
- Health & Safety Reports
- Licence for Alterations
- Building Reinstatement Assessments for Insurance
- Planned and preventative maintenance including sinking funds, Service Charge disputes, alterations
To discuss this service further, please contact:
Edward Fifield Bsc FRICS
Managing Director
Mobile: 07970 723526
DDI: 020 8731 5881
Email: edward.fifield@fifieldglyn.com