Fifield Glyn appoints new Director
Charles G. Fifield, BSc (Hons.), MRICS has become a Director at Fifield Glyn (01606 351351) where he will continue to be responsible for Landlord & Tenant matters.
Charles was born in 1973 and commenced practice with Fifield Glyn in 1995, having gained a degree from the University of Reading at The Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. He was elected an Associate of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 1998.
He specialises in Occupational Agency, Rent Reviews/Lease Renewals, Valuation and Landlord & Tenant matters on behalf of various clients throughout England and North Wales.
He has been a Member of the Committee of the RICS Greater Manchester Junior Organisation since 1997, was Honorary Treasurer 1999-2001 and is currently Chairman. He has been a Representative on National JO since 1998 and is currently Honorary Secretary.