Fifield Glyn prepare Valuation Reports on commercial and residential property throughout England and Wales for Private clients, Executors, Trustees, financial institutions, for a variety of purposes including:
- Pension Fund SIPP/SASS Valuations
- Taxation – Capital Gains, Inheritance Tax including IHT 1982 valuations.
- Charity Act – Disposal and Acquisition Reports for Trustees of Charitable Trusts.
- Secured Lending / loan security.
- Property Asset Values for inclusion within financial statements.
- Single Joint Expert Valuation reports for Financial Remedy Proceedings in the Family Courts.
- s.18 Valuations re Dilapidations Claims
- Marriage Value reports for lease extensions.
- Insurance Reinstatement Cost Assessments.
All Valuations are carried out in accordance with RICS Valuation: Global Standards, the “Red Book”.
Rod Welfare BSc MRICS ACIArb (London), Richard Smith BSc (Hons) MRICS (Manchester ) together with our Company Secretary Charles Fifield BSc (Hons) FRICS (Cheshire) are RICS Registered Valuers.
All our RICS Registered Valuers are regulated to International Valuation Standards which means they work to a consistent standard throughout the world. To ensure the best practice, RICS registered valuers and their firms are subject to professional, independent regulations. RICS registered valuers have access to the latest data and are experts in their fields in providing clear reports based on diligent investigations, market commentary and analysis. http://www.rics.org/vrsbrochure
To discuss this service further, please contact:

Rod Welfare BSc MRICS ACIArb
Mobile: 07712 822901
DDI: 0207 293 0103
Email: rod.welfare@fifieldglyn.com
Manchester & Cheshire:
Richard Smith BSc (Hons) MRICS
Mobile: 07966 245999
DDI: 0161 249 8867
Email: richard.smith@fifieldglyn.com