Corporate Property Advice
We specialise in acting as external commercial property managers and corporate real estate advisers for businesses that do not have their own Property Department. We report to Directors in relation to business planning at strategic level. Our services include:-
- Maintaining comprehensive Lease registers, highlighting dates of Rent Reviews. Break Clauses and Lease Renewals.
- Negotiating to protect clients’ interests over Rent Reviews or minimising dilapidations upon vacation of property.
- Minimising occupancy costs and maximising operational flexibility.
- Effective and efficient acquisition and disposal of freehold or leasehold premises.
- Arranging and co-ordinating work by outside specialist firms for example, Building Surveys.
- Instructing and liaising with clients’ solicitors.
- Valuations for building insurance.
- Subletting surplus space.
- Liaising with Landlords and Property Managing Agents.
- Dealing with Tenants’ Covenants under terms of a Lease.
- Checking and advising on Service Charge liabilities.
- Agreeing, approving and carrying out repairs and improvements.
To discuss this service further, please contact:
Rod Welfare BSc MRICS ACIArb
Mobile: 07712 822901
DDI: 020 7293 0103
Email: rod.welfare@fifieldglyn.com