Gadbrook Park Business Watch Meeting
Held on Monday 19th November 2007
At: Connexions
In September, five incidents were reported which included one complaint regarding parking.
In October, eleven incidents were reported. Some of these were regarding litter, traffic lights and incidences of youths sighted in car parks. Three of the eleven incidents reported involved parking.
So far in November, eight incidents have been reported. Three of these are internal company issues, two relate to suspicious activity around the business park, one was a burglary, another was a theft of copper piping, one related to litter and two involved suspicious activity around the business park. In November, the Police have issued ten fixed penalty tickets on Gadbrook Park.
Neighbourhood Police have reiterated that all businesses should phone them on 0845 458 0000 immediately if they see any suspicious activity going on within the business park.
One business mentioned problems that had been experiencing with youths at Brunel Court. Apparently there is often broken glass on the site in the mornings. One of the directors of the company, who often stays late, has seen youth’s activity between 7pm-9pm. The youths congregate around the building in cars or on foot. The Police advised that they will be looking in to this issue.
The issue of dangerous driving around Gadbrook Park was brought up. Several businesses said that during the evening rush hour, they have seen particular vehicles mounting the pavements in order to avoid queuing. This has been noted on more than one occasion, often with the same vehicle being involved. Police advised to note down registration numbers of possible.
Several businesses mentioned parking problems around the double yellow lines on Gadbrook Road. The Police clarified that as Gadbrook Road is classed as a private road, there is little that can be done. They are unable to put further double yellow lines in. It was brought to attention that the main issue was that of cars parking close to junctions, therefore affecting visibility for drivers coming the other way. Several people agreed that this is a real problem. Police are going to look into this issue and take registration numbers of offending vehicles. Police advised that if it is noted that the same vehicles are continually parking in these areas, to try and identify which company these vehicles belong to and to speak with the companies involved.
One business brought to attention the problem of nuisance phone calls. The company involved had experienced several calls of a very unpleasant nature, but had not received any for a month prior to the meeting. The Police asked if any other businesses had experienced similar problems, but they had not. Police advised the company to report any further calls immediately.
Next Meeting to be arranged for the New Year.